I got out of the taxi, in what was a very chaotic taxi let off area…and walked over to the bus line for Dubai…..and there were probably 300 in he line. I went up to what I thought was one of the supervisors and said “which bus to Dubai?”…and he motioned to one and said “get on”. I did, only to find that the bus was full….so started to exit and the driver called and motioned to stay on….that another passenger was getting off. Well, I got to the top-level in the only seat left…and we waited. Pretty soon here came the driver and collected the 15 dhs’s from each…we then waited another 30 minutes….and I watched the chaos and crowds…and finally we pulled out. The bus was full and it was a good ride…..and the we got to the Dubai station…..and there were probably 5000 people in and about the station…..primarily Indians or south Asians. I have this on video but I have not seen these kinds of crowds since we were in China…and of course it reminded me on Indians….for they were by far the largest group here. I finally got a taxi and as we creeped out the people were just swarming the area….it seems like all of the workers were having a day off…and they all wanted to get together in the streets, and in this area, the Indian shops.Well, I got to the Metro….and the metro was just the opposite…virtually no one on it….as the Malls were closed so there was no place for the average citizen to go…and families are encouraged to stay home on this day and the celebrations start today. The metro station that I was at was the new Khalid station…and on this day, Dubai started the Green line….and while I was waiting one of the new trains came into the station….brand new, and the new part of the station just shines. Very impressive.
I got to the airport and got the luggage and all OK, so went up to the large Food Court and kind of re-packed as I had all of my bags now….then had some food, etc….and about 7 walked down towards the D area, where United, and Delta, and a few other airlines would do their pre-boarding. The initial gate area was about 50 feet from the terminal entrance and you went through the first check, where the security guy checked your passport and ticket…and then in about 50 feet went through another…this in more detail….and then #3 was the traditional search and body scan….then escalators and stairs and moving sidewalks and we came out at the Sheikh Fayed Terminal, which the new terminal that I got photos of when we arrived. Arrivals are on the upper level…departures on the lower…and it is a mini-mall for all duty free and other products. A beautiful area for shopping.
I still had about 2 hours before they were suppose to board..so found a good seat and read my book….then they said line up to go into the boarding area. Well, the security guy checked passport and ticket again….and we went into another area…..and another very detailed body scan and search and then an area where they went through every piece of your carry on….they separated all toiletries and then required that the liquids be put in a sealed plastic container, like a sandwich bag….and fortunately the guard had an extra one….and I was cleared. 4 security checks, which was a first for most of us.
Boarding began and for the first time since I arrived in country, I felt that the process was not well-organized. I think it had to do with the local United staff…but it just was not smooth at all….but we took off on schedule for the 15 hour flight…arrived on schedule at Washington DC….and I am here in the USO waiting for the flight to SF and home…
Probably will wait for a day to summarize more than I have done….but suffice it to say that this was the most interesting and incredible trip that I have ever taken….most of Dubai is just beyond description…so fortunately I have plenty of still and video photos….all for now.
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