Saturday, May 25, 2024

Play Golf in Scotland and Ireland

 We are now offering a variety of golf trips to both Scotland and Ireland, and there are a number of options to golfers, from the courses they play to the lodging that the group selects. Email ma at for a flyer and other details.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Golf Trips to Scotland and Ireland

 We are just re-opening our Travel to Sports......with Golf Trips to Scotland and Ireland. We represent 4 very fine Golf companies that actually conducts the tours in both Scotland and Ireland.  We offer group discounts, as well as incentives for the team leader or organizers.....and we do non-profit programs to raise funds for the Charity. All of this to help golfers realize their bucket list trip to play golf in Scotland. Get a flyer at

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Thoughts about Cuba presentation

As I woke up this morning I started thinking about format Etc..
Open with welcome Etc
Welcome to Cuba
What is Cuba ....large island, etc....
3 main cities
A country of great history and significant to new world exploration and developments
Great agriculture
Great culture of music dance and sport
Great people and tradition

Why go to Cuba

California high school rodeo championships. Bishop ,Ca

we arrived after a good 7 hours travel and got to the hotel and checked in...Creekside Hotel in Bishop......very nice. Went to fairgrounds and got to see Olivia...she did well but some of the times are really fast......
We enjoyed the group in District 1....

Monday, May 21, 2018

Unbelievable Special Cruise offerings from Princess

Look at these specials just announced today….by Princess Cruises

1. 13 Day New Zealand at $1199……….2. 16 Day Andes and South America at $1699……..3. 10 Day SE Asia at $949
4. 10 Day Eastern Caribbean at $849………5. 10 Day Southern Caribbean at $899.…….6. 15 Day Panama Canal at $1399.
These are excellent prices….and Princess is one of the Best…so e-mail me for details, options, etc

Monday, May 7, 2018

Chapter 4...What's On Your List?

In Chapter 3 we talked about Making a List, or Lists…and this chapter will cover what you may want to include on that “list”….for the items on this list can “make or break” your travels.
Let’s start with the obvious…your camera or camera phone, and the charger. Your IPad, if you use it for photos, and its charger. If you use your IPad for Kindle, then be sure you have the books you want to read downloaded while you have an internet service available. Sun glasses are always needed, and you might think about a case to keep them from breaking.  If you like to take notes of things you see, or memorable things that happen on the trip, take along a writing tablet or note pad, and a couple of pens that work. Maybe for you it is your daily Diary. Binoculars always come in handy, but get a good one. REI is where I got mine…very pleased and only $100. A small umbrella is always good to take, for even though you may be in an area where it is not suppose to rain, be prepared in case weather turns bad. Just keep it small. Sunscreen may be needed, so stick in a tube, but it has to be the right size. For the flight, air sickness or Jet Lag pills may work, and the same for sea sickness. Slippers for the long flights are often well used, as well as a neck brace and eye covers and ear plugs. Always good if you plan on sleeping on the flight. And, if you take medications, be sure you have them with you on the flight, not in your checked luggage.
We covered the correct clothes, coats, and hats previously….but also think about personal security. If you have a fanny pack or a pouch, be sure it is RFID, which protects valuables for potential theft of private information. If you carry a purse, be sure it is RFID and has a way to strap it to your body. Men’s wallets should be kept in the front pocket of pants, not in the back pocket. If you use a back pack, they are great but can be accessed from the back, and you might want to look at one that you can carry in front of you, as well as on your back. If you are in a big crowded area, keep the pack in front of you with your arms around it.
Now that you have done your pre trip planning, your pre-trip packing, and have your list of items to take, you are ready to depart and head to the airport. Chapter 5 will deal with “The Airport”….from getting there to taking off….stay tuned.
This entire blog can be viewed  on my web page

Sunday, May 6, 2018

The List.....What to Know Before You Go!

Make a List. I started making a list when I started traveling in 1960, while on a UCLA project to India. We did not have a lot of choice, as our Faculty Leader said, ” you can take 1 suitcase, and it has to be small”.  Well, for a 20 year old college student that grew up with a Mom that said “wear clean clothes every day”, this was not going to be an easy task. But, I made it…and I made it because of My List.
Then for 10 years, while I was with World Vision and traveled someplace every week, the list was critical, and to this day, I make a list for every trip. In fact, now I make a couple of lists. One is for the trip, and one is to prepare for the trip, and let’s start with this one. From stopping the paper,  (and yes, some people still get a newspaper), to stopping the mail, to planning out how the dogs and cats will be cared for, make that list for your departure. I even put on there adjust the heating and cooling system, depending on the time of year, and I list turn off the water if it is winter and may freeze. And so it goes. One word of caution though, that just came to me by a reader on Active Rain, only tell people that you know that you are leaving…don’t put it out there for the world to see on Facebook, etc….we are in a different world these days, and it is best that not everyone know that you are going to be traveling for 3 weeks, or whatever. But, do tell the neighbors that you know that you are leaving…could they keep an eye on the house, etc. They are always willing and you may want to return the favor…part of being a good neighbor. Put “check with the neighbors” on your list.
Plan for the trip. I like to think through the days, and what will I be doing each day. If you are walking a lot, will 1 pair of shoes work, or will you need two. What about the weather? Will you need a coat or jacket, and what attire do you want if you go to a concert, or to a fancy restaurant in Rome? Then,  I will actually make a list of day to day clothes. This may sound ridiculous, but this way I can determine how many shirts, pants, etc I will need before I will have to do the laundry. This also helps to point out that you really will not need 8 changes for an 8 day trip…or that you may need that many changes.  Then my list will start to list the activities that I am anticipating, such as climbing up a mountain, swimming in the hotel pool, or going on a photo safari. Do I have the batteries needed, as well as the tripod if I am using one, etc. Will I need my binoculars if i am looking at birds, or at a sporting event. Am I going to keep a diary, or will I use my IPad, and if so, do I have the charger(s). If I want to do some serious reading,  do I have a book or is it on Kindle, and if so, have I downloaded the books I want to read. If you want to go to the hotel gym, what do I wear? What about a hair dryer, or clippers if you have a trimmed beard or need an haircut? Well, this is the process, and smart travelers go through this at least a week in advance of departure, which gives you time to pick something up at Walmart or the local drug store.
In the next section, I am going to list some items to put on your List, in preparation for the flight, and then arrival at the airport or port….so stay tuned.
The above, and all of the blog is at